Located in Ireland . Don't let that put you off. Experienced international seller. Price inclusive of transport.
Lovely attitude towards work and loads of ability. This horse just gets better every day. He is a pleasure. Never bucks, rears, naps etc. Snaffle mouthed and no vices.
He has tremendous ability. He has schooled around the XC and has hunted once previously. He is also jumping on the Irish circuit now. He has accumulated 15 SJI points in a very short time. He is jumping competitively at the 1m level now but is jumping 1.20 tracks at home. He will swiftly move up the ranks with ease. He is very brave and willing to please.
Suitable for Jumpers, Eventing, Foxhunting, etc. Very good quality all-rounder.
If you are looking for a horse to move up quickly but not pay the MEGA big dollars for a horse jumping the 1.20 level. This is your guy.
Price includes international shipping. Reputable international horse seller. Reviews/testimonials available.